Source code for d2api.src.wrappers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Parse wrapper definitions"""

import pprint
from import MutableMapping 

from . import entities
from . import util

def _get_side_from_slot(player_slot):
    """Get player team based on player slot"""
    return "radiant" if player_slot < 128 else "dire"

def _get_side_from_team(team):
    """Map integer reference to string"""
    return {0:'radiant', 1:'dire', 2:'broadcaster', 4:'unassigned'}.get(team, 'unassigned')

def _get_subdict(d, keys):
    """Get a subdict with specific keys"""
    return {k: d.get(k) for k in keys}

class Dota2Dict(MutableMapping):
    def __getitem__(self, key):
    def __setitem__(self, key, val):[key] = val
    def __delitem__(self, key):
    def __iter__(self):
    def __len__(self):

    def assign_subkey(self, key): =, {})

    def __init__(self, data = None): = data if data != None else {}

class AbstractParse(Dota2Dict):
    """Interface to implement parsed objects."""
    def __str__(self):
        return pprint.pformat(

    def __init__(self, default_obj):
        default_obj : dict
            The class wraps around this dict.

    def parse(self):

class AbstractResponse(Dota2Dict):
    """Interface to implement parsed response objects."""
    def __str__(self):
        return pprint.pformat(

    def __init__(self, response_text):
        self.raw_json = response_text

    def parse_response(self):

[docs]class PlayerMinimal(AbstractParse): """A minimal information wrapper for a player Attributes ---------- steam_account : SteamAccount Steam account of player side : str side to which a player belongs (radiant/dire) hero : Hero hero played """ def parse(self): self['steam_account'] = entities.SteamAccount(self.pop('account_id', None)) player_slot = self.pop('player_slot', None) if not player_slot == None: self['side'] = _get_side_from_slot(player_slot) team = self.pop('team', None) if not team == None: self['side'] = _get_side_from_team(team) self['hero'] = entities.Hero(self.pop('hero_id', None))
# TODO : parse lobby_type or add enumeration for lobby_type
[docs]class MatchSummary(AbstractParse): """A brief summary of queried games Attributes ---------- match_id : int The unique ID of a match match_seq_num : int Represents the sequence in which matches were recorded start_time : int Unix timestamp of game begin time lobby_type : int Integer representing type of lobby players : list(PlayerMinimal) List of player summaries """ def parse(self): self['players'] = [PlayerMinimal(p) for p in self.get('players', [])]
[docs]class MatchHistory(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_match_history` or :any:`get_match_history_by_sequence_num` response object Attributes ---------- matches : list(MatchSummary) List of match summaries """ def parse_response(self): self.assign_subkey('result') self['matches'] = [MatchSummary(match) for match in self.get('matches', [])]
class InventoryUnit(AbstractParse): """Any unit having item slots.""" def all_items(self): """ Returns ------- list(Item) Combined list of inventory and backpack items """ tot = self['inventory'] + self['backpack'] return tot def _build_item_list(self): self['inventory'] = [] self['backpack'] = [] for item_slot in ['item_{}'.format(i) for i in range(6)]: cur_item = entities.Item(self.pop(item_slot, None)) self['inventory'].append(cur_item) for backpack_slot in ['backpack_{}'.format(i) for i in range(3)]: cur_item = entities.Item(self.pop(backpack_slot, None)) self['backpack'].append(cur_item)
[docs]class AdditionalUnit(InventoryUnit): """An inventoried unit besides heroes (e.g. Lone druid bear) Attributes ---------- inventory : list(Item) List of inventory items backpack : list(Item) List of backpack items """ def parse(self): self._build_item_list()
[docs]class AbilityInfo(AbstractParse): """Ability upgrade during game. Attributes ---------- ability : Ability Ability upgraded. time : int Game time at which ability was upgraded level : int Level of the player at which ability was upgraded. """ def parse(self): self['ability'] = entities.Ability(self.pop('ability_id', None))
# TODO: add leaver status enumeration
[docs]class PlayerUnit(InventoryUnit): """An inventoried hero unit Attributes ---------- steam_account : SteamAccount Steam account of player side : str Side to which a player belongs (radiant/dire) hero : Hero Hero played kills : int Number of kills at the end of the match deaths : int Number of deaths at the end of the match assists : int Number of assists at the end of the match leaver_status : int Type of leaver gold : int Amount of gold remaining at the end of the match last_hits : int Number of list hits at the end of the match denies : int Number of denies at the end of the game gold_per_minute : int Overall gold/minute xp_per_minute : int Overall XP/min gold_spent : int Amount of gold spent during the match hero_damage : int Total damage done to other heroes at the end of the match tower_damage : int Total damage done to opponent towers at the end of the match hero_healing : int Total healing done to other heroes at the end of the match additional_units : list(AdditionalUnit) Additional units belonging to the current unit inventory : list(Item) List of inventory items backpack : list(Item) List of backpack items ability_upgrades : list(AbilityInfo) Ability upgrade information """ def parse(self): self._build_item_list() self['steam_account'] = entities.SteamAccount(self.pop('account_id', None)) self['side'] = _get_side_from_slot(self.pop('player_slot', 0)) self['hero'] = entities.Hero(self.pop('hero_id', None)) self['additional_units'] = [AdditionalUnit(a) for a in self.get('additional_units', [])] au_list = [] for au in self.get('ability_upgrades', []): au['ability_id'] = au.pop('ability', None) au_list.append(AbilityInfo(au)) self['ability_upgrades'] = au_list
[docs]class Buildings(AbstractParse): """Represents current state of buildings Attributes ---------- {lane}_{position} : bool Tower status [lane = top, mid, bot][position = 1, 2, 3] (e.g. top_t2) ancient_bot : bool Ancient bottom tower ancient_top : bool Ancient top tower {lane}_{type} : bool Barracks status [lane = top, mid, bot][type = ranged, melee] (e.g. mid_melee) """ def parse(self): towers = ['top_t1', 'top_t2', 'top_t3', 'mid_t1', 'mid_t2', 'mid_t3', 'bot_t1', 'bot_t2', 'bot_t3', 'bot_ancient', 'top_ancient'] barracks = ['top_melee', 'top_ranged', 'mid_melee', 'mid_ranged', 'bot_melee', 'bot_ranged'] tower_status = self.get('tower_status') if tower_status != None: for i, t in enumerate(towers): cur_tower_status = ((1<<i) & tower_status) >> i self[t] = cur_tower_status barracks_status = self.get('barracks_status') if barracks_status != None: for i, b in enumerate(barracks): cur_barracks_status = ((1<<i) & barracks_status) >> i self[b] = cur_barracks_status
[docs]class PickBan(AbstractParse): """Reprents a pick/ban during a game Attributes ---------- is_pick : bool ``True`` if the hero was picked hero : Hero Hero being picked/banned side : str Side that picked/banned this hero (radiant/dire) order : int Order in which the hero was picked/banned """ def parse(self): self['hero'] = entities.Hero(self.pop('hero_id', None)) self['side'] = 'dire' if self.pop('team', 0) == 0 else 'radiant'
[docs]class MatchDetails(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_match_details` response object Attributes ---------- players : PlayerUnit List of players in the game players_minimal : PlayerMinimal List of players represented minimally picks_bans : PickBan List of picks/bans season : int The season in which the game was played winner : str Side that won the game (radiant/dire) duration : int Duration of the game (in seconds) pre_game_duration : int Duration for game to begin (in seconds) start_time : int Unix timestamp of match start match_seq_num : int Number denoting the order in which matches were recorded radiant_buildings : Buildings Radiant building statuses at the end of the game dire_buildings : Buildings Dire building statuses at the end of the game cluster : int The server cluster the match was played upon (used to fetch replays) first_blood_time : int Time of first-blood occurrance lobby_type : int Type of lobby human_players : int Number of human players in the game leagueid : int The league that this match was a part of positive_votes : int The number of thumbs-up the game has received by users negative_votes : int The number of thumbs-down the game has received by users game_mode : int Game mode engine : int Source 1/Source 2 radiant_score : int TODO dire_score : int TODO flags : ? TODO """
[docs] def leavers(self): """ Returns ------- list(SteamAccount) List of leavers in a game. """ return [p['steam_account'] for p in self['players'] if p['leaver_status'] != 0]
[docs] def has_leavers(self): """ Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the game contains a leaver """ has_leaver = False for p in self['players']: has_leaver |= p.get('leaver_status', 0) != 0 return has_leaver
def parse_response(self): self.assign_subkey('result') minimal = lambda x: PlayerMinimal(_get_subdict(x, ['account_id', 'player_slot', 'hero_id'])) self['players_minimal'] = [minimal(p) for p in self.get('players', [])] self['players'] = [PlayerUnit(pl) for pl in self.get('players', [])] if 'radiant_win' in self: self['winner'] = 'radiant' if self.pop('radiant_win', None) else 'dire' picks_bans = [PickBan(pb) for pb in self.get('picks_bans', [])] self['picks_bans'] = sorted(picks_bans, key = lambda x: x['order']) for side in ['radiant', 'dire']: tower_status = self.pop('tower_status_{}'.format(side), None) barracks_status = self.pop('barracks_status_{}'.format(side), None) self['{}_buildings'.format(side)] = Buildings({'tower_status': tower_status, 'barracks_status': barracks_status})
[docs]class LocalizedHero(AbstractParse): """Localized hero information Attributes ---------- name : str Hero name id : int Hero ID localized_name : str Name of hero in language specified """ pass
[docs]class LocalizedGameItem(AbstractParse): """Localized item information Attributes ---------- id : int Item ID name : str Item name cost : int Cost of item secret_shop : bool True if the item is sold in secret shop side_shop : bool True if the item is sold in side shop recipe : bool True if it is a recipe localized_name : str Name of item in language specified """ pass
[docs]class Heroes(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_heroes` response object Attributes ---------- heroes : list(LocalizedHero) List of localized hero information count : int Number of heroes returned """ def parse_response(self): self.assign_subkey('result') self['heroes'] = [LocalizedHero(h) for h in self.get('heroes', [])]
[docs]class GameItems(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_game_items` response object Attributes ---------- game_items : list(LocalizedGameItems) List of localized item information """ def parse_response(self): self.assign_subkey('result') self['game_items'] = [LocalizedGameItem(i) for i in self.pop('items', [])]
[docs]class TournamentPrizePool(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_tournament_prize_pool` response object Attributes ---------- prize_pool : int Prize pool league_id : int League ID for which prize pool was fetched """ pass
# TODO: add enumeration for state of ultimate
[docs]class PlayerLive(AbstractParse): """Information of a player in live game Attributes ---------- player_slot : int Slot of player within the team steam_account : SteamAccount Steam account of the player hero : Hero Hero played kills : int Number of kills deaths : int Number of deaths assists : int Number of assists last_hits : int Number of last hits denies : int Number of denies gold : int Current amount of gold level : int Current level gold_per_min : int gold/min at time of query xp_per_min : int XP/min at time of query abilities : list(AbilityInfo) List of ability information ultimate_state : int Current state of ultimate ultimate_cooldown : int Remaining time for ultimate to come off cooldown inventory : list(Item) List of items in player inventory respawn_timer : int Remain time for player to respawn position_x : float X coordinate of hero position_y : float Y coordinate of hero net_worth : int Net worth of the hero """ def parse(self): self['hero'] = entities.Hero(self.pop('hero_id', None)) self['steam_account'] = entities.SteamAccount(self.pop('account_id', None)) self['deaths'] = self.pop('death', 0) self['inventory'] = [entities.Item(self.pop('item{}'.format(i), None)) for i in range(6)] self['abilities'] = [AbilityInfo(au) for au in self.get('abilities', [])]
[docs]class TeamLive(AbstractParse): """Information of a team in live game Attributes ---------- score : int Current number of kills by the team buildings : Buildings State of buildings picks : list(Hero) List of heroes picked bans : list(Hero) List of heroes banned players : list(PlayerLive) List of player summaries """ def parse(self): tower_status = self.get('tower_state') barracks_status = self.get('barracks_state') self['buildings'] = Buildings({'tower_status': tower_status, 'barracks_status': barracks_status}) self['picks'] = [entities.Hero(h['hero_id']) for h in self.get('picks', [])] self['bans'] = [entities.Hero(h['hero_id']) for h in self.get('bans', [])] players = self.get('players', []) # because the WebAPI is stupid # Steam WebAPI returns multiple entries with the same name which I can only assume correspond to each player # util.decode_json describes the modified parser (to handle repeated names) for i, player in enumerate(players): player['abilities'] = self.pop('abilities_{}'.format(i), []) self.pop("abilities", None) self['players'] = [PlayerLive(p) for p in players]
[docs]class Scoreboard(AbstractParse): """Scoreboard of live game Attributes ---------- duration : int Duration of the game at time of query roshan_respawn_timer : int Time left for Roshan to respawn radiant : TeamLive Radiant team summary dire : TeamLive Dire team summary """ def parse(self): self['radiant'] = TeamLive(self.get('radiant', {})) self['dire'] = TeamLive(self.get('dire', {}))
[docs]class TeamInfo(AbstractParse): """Information about team Attributes ---------- team_name : str The team's name. team_id : int The team's unique ID. team_logo : int The UGC id for the team logo. complete : bool Whether the players for this team are all team members. """ pass
# TODO: enumerate series type
[docs]class Game(AbstractParse): """Summary of a live league game Attributes ---------- radiant_team : TeamInfo Radiant team information dire_team : TeamInfo Dire team information players : List(PlayerMinimal) List of players in the game scoreboard : Scoreboard Game scoreboard at time of query lobby_id : int ID of lobby match_id : int Unique ID used to identify match spectators : int Number of spectators league_id : int Unique ID for the league of the match league_node_id : int Unique ID of node within the league stream_delay_s : int Stream delay in seconds radiant_series_win : int Number of wins by radiant team dire_series_win : int Number of wins by dire team series_type : int Type of series """ def parse(self): self['radiant_team'] = TeamInfo(self.get('radiant_team', {})) self['dire_team'] = TeamInfo(self.get('dire_team', {})) self['scoreboard'] = Scoreboard(self.get('scoreboard', {})) self['players'] = [PlayerMinimal(p) for p in self.get('players', [])]
[docs]class LiveLeagueGames(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_live_league_games` response object Attributes ---------- games : list(Game) List of games """ def parse_response(self): self.assign_subkey('result') self['games'] = [Game(g) for g in self['games']]
# TODO: add lobby type enumeration # TODO: add game mode enumeration
[docs]class LiveGameSummary(AbstractParse): """Summary of a live game Attributes ---------- players : PlayerMinimal List of player info radiant_towers : Buildings Radiant towers dire_towers : Buildings Dire towers activate_time : int TODO deactivate_time : int TODO server_steam_id : int Steam ID of server lobby_id : int ID of lobby league_id : int Unique ID for the league of the match lobby_type : int Type of lobby game_time : int Game time delay : int Stream delay (game, spectator delay) spectators : int Current number of spectators game_mode : int Game mode of current game average_mmr : int Average MMR of the game match_id : int Unique ID used to identify match series_id : int Unique ID used to identify series radiant_team : TeamInfo Information about radiant team dire_team : TeamInfo Information about dire team sort_score : int TODO last_update_time : int TODO radiant_lead : int Gold lead of radiant team radiant_score : int TODO dire_score : int TODO """ def parse(self): tower_states = self.pop('building_state', 0) dire_tower_state = tower_states // 2**11 radiant_tower_state = tower_states % 2**11 self['radiant_towers'] = Buildings({'tower_status': radiant_tower_state}) self['dire_towers'] = Buildings({'tower_status': dire_tower_state}) self['players'] = [PlayerMinimal(p) for p in self.get('players', [])] radiant_team_name = self.pop('team_name_radiant', None) dire_team_name = self.pop('team_name_dire', None) radiant_team_id = self.pop('team_id_radiant', None) dire_team_id = self.pop('team_id_dire', None) self['radiant_team'] = TeamInfo({'team_name': radiant_team_name, 'team_id': radiant_team_id}) self['dire_team'] = TeamInfo({'dire_name': dire_team_name, 'dire_id': dire_team_id})
[docs]class TopLiveGame(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_top_live_game` response object Attributes ---------- game_list : list(LiveGameSummary) List of top live games """ def parse_response(self): self['game_list'] = [LiveGameSummary(g) for g in self.get('game_list', [])]
[docs]class TeamInfoByTeamID(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_team_info_by_team_id` response object Attributes ---------- teams : list(TeamInfo) List of team information """ def parse_response(self): self.assign_subkey('result') self['teams'] = [TeamInfo(t) for t in self.get('teams', [])]
[docs]class BroadcasterInfo(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_broadcaster_info` response object Attributes ---------- steam_account : SteamAccount Steam account of broadcaster server_steam_id : int Unique ID of game server currently being broadcasted live : bool ``True`` if the user is currently broadcasting allow_live_video : bool ``True`` if the user has allowed live video """ def parse_response(self): self['steam_account'] = entities.SteamAccount(self.pop('account_id', None))
[docs]class SteamDetails(AbstractParse): """Information about a player as on Steam. Attributes ---------- steam_account : SteamAccount Steam account of the player communityvisibility : str A string representing the access setting of the profile profilestate : int Set to ``1`` if the user has configured their profile personname : str Display name lastlogoff : int Unix timestamp of when the player was last online profileurl : str The URL to the user's steam profile avatar : str URL of 32x32 image avatarmedium : str URL of 64x64 image avatarfull : str URL of 184x184 image personastate : str A string representing user's status commentpermission : int If present the profile allows public comments realname : str The user's real name primaryclanid : int The 64 bit ID of the user's primary group timecreated : int A unix timestamp of the date the profile was created loccountrycode : int ISO 3166 code of where the user is located locstatecode : int Variable length code representing the state the user is located in loccityid : int An integer ID internal to Steam representing the user's city gameid : int If the user is in game this will be set to it's app ID as a string gameextrainfo : str The title of the game gameserverip : str The server URL given as an IP address and port number """ def parse(self): self['steam_account'] = entities.SteamAccount(self.get('steamid')) comm_descr = { 1: 'private', 2: 'friends_only', 3: 'friends_of_friends', 4: 'users_only', 5: 'public' } self['communityvisibility'] = comm_descr[self.pop('communityvisibilitystate', 1)] persona_descr = { 0: 'offline', 1: 'online', 2: 'busy', 3: 'away', 4: 'snooze', 5: 'looking_to_trade', 6: 'looking_to_play' } self['personastate'] = persona_descr[self.pop('personastate', 0)]
[docs]class PlayerSummaries(AbstractResponse): """:any:`get_player_summaries` response object Attributes ---------- players : list(SteamDetails) List of steam information in ascending order of account ids """ def parse_response(self): self.assign_subkey('response') # For some reason, the WebAPI doesn't maintain relative ordering. Sorted to make the response consistent. self['players'] = sorted([SteamDetails(p) for p in self.get('players', [])], key = lambda x: x['steam_account']['id64'])