
Getting started

Getting an API key

First and foremost, you’ll need a Steam API key. You can get one here.

Initialize wrapper via environment variable

Create a new environment variable D2_API_KEY and set its value to the API key. You can then, just use the following code to initialize the wrapper.

api = d2api.APIWrapper()

Initialize wrapper inline

Literally just initialize the wrapper inline. That’s about it.

# overrides the environment variable key
api = d2api.APIWrapper('YOUR_API_KEY')

Unparsed response

There’s a good chance you’d like your responses au naturel. Just set parse_response = False. The wrapper returns the response text as is (without using the built-in json parser).

api = d2api.APIWrapper(api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY', parse_response = False)


While it is highly recommended that a json response have unique key-value pairs, it is not mandatory that they be unique. Some responses of the Steam WebAPI consists of such repeated key-value pairs. Use d2api.src.util.decode_json to parse these results to avoid losing content.


Hero frequency in last 100 games

import d2api
from d2api.src import entities

api = d2api.APIWrapper()

# fetch latest matches
match_history = api.get_match_history()

# get frequency of heroes played in the latest 100 games
heroes = {}

for match in match_history['matches']:
    for player in match['players']:
        hero_id = player['hero']['hero_id']
        if not hero_id in heroes:
            heroes[hero_id] = 0
        heroes[hero_id] += 1

# print hero frequency by name
for hero_id, freq in heroes.items():
    print(entities.Hero(hero_id)['hero_name'], freq)

Using the API without the API

from d2api.src import entities

# Hero/Item/Ability information is available without having to specify a key

# Use steam32/steam64 IDs interchangeably
steam_account = entities.SteamAccount(1020002)
print(steam_account['id32'], steam_account['id64'])

Matches without leavers

# Fetch last 100 very high skill games and filter out games that have leavers
import d2api

api = d2api.APIWrapper()
vhs = api.get_match_history(skill = 3)

matches = [api.get_match_details(m['match_id']) for m in vhs['matches']]

# now filter out matches that have leavers
matches = [m for m in matches if not m.has_leavers()]

# number of matches that remain

# print the first match