Source code for d2api

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os

import requests

from .src import endpoints, entities, errors, wrappers

def _parse_steam_account(cur_args):
    """steam_account/account_id parse helper"""
    account_id = None

    if 'account_id' in cur_args:
        account_id = entities.SteamAccount(cur_args['account_id'])['id64']
    if 'steam_account' in cur_args:
        account_id = cur_args.pop('steam_account')['id64']
    cur_args['account_id'] = account_id

def _parse_hero(cur_args):
    """hero/hero_id parse helper"""

    if 'hero' in cur_args:
        cur_args['hero_id'] = cur_args.pop('hero')['hero_id']

def _parse_steam_account_list(cur_args):
    """account_ids/steam_accounts parse helper"""
    account_ids = None

    if 'account_ids' in cur_args:
        account_ids = ','.join([str(entities.SteamAccount(s)['id64']) for s in cur_args.pop('account_ids')])
    if 'steam_accounts' in cur_args:
        account_ids = ','.join([str(s['id64']) for s in cur_args.pop('steam_accounts')])

    cur_args['steamids'] = account_ids

[docs]class APIWrapper: """Wrapper initialization requires either environment variable ``D2_API_KEY`` be set, or ``api_key`` be provided as an argument. :param api_key: Steam API key :param parse_response: set to ``False`` to get an unparsed json string (default ``True``) :type api_key: str :type parse_response: bool, optional """ def __init__(self, api_key = None, parse_response = True): self.api_key = api_key if api_key else os.environ.get('D2_API_KEY') self.parse_response = parse_response def _api_call(self, url, wrapper_class = wrappers.BaseWrapper, **kwargs): """Helper function to perform WebAPI requests. :param url: Request url :param wrapper_class: Wrapper class used to parse response :type url: string, required :type wrapper_class: Class """ if not 'key' in kwargs: kwargs['key'] = self.api_key response = requests.get(url, params = kwargs, timeout = 60) status = response.status_code if status == 200: return wrapper_class(response.text) if self.parse_response else response.text elif status == 403: raise errors.APIAuthenticationError(self.api_key) elif status == 404: raise errors.APIMethodUnavailable(url) elif status == 503: # pragma: no cover raise errors.APITimeoutError() elif status == 400: raise errors.APIInsufficientArguments(url, kwargs) else: # pragma: no cover raise errors.BaseError(msg = response.reason)
[docs] def get_match_history(self, **kwargs): """A list of matches, filterable by various parameters. :param hero_id: A list of hero IDs can be fetched via the :py:meth:`~d2api.APIWrapper.get_heroes` method :param hero: Used in place of hero_id :param game_mode: Games of this game mode are fetched :param skill: Skill bracket for the matches (Ignored if an account ID is specified) :param min_players: Minimum amount of players in a match for the match to be returned. :param account_id: 32/64-bit account ID :param steam_account: Used in place of account_id :param league_id: Only return matches from this league. get_league_listing() has been discontinued :param start_at_match_id: Start searching for matches equal to or older than this match ID :param matches_requested: Defaults to `100` :param tournament_games_only: 0 = False, 1 = True :type hero_id: int, optional :type hero: Hero, optional :type game_mode: int, optional :type skill: int, optional :type min_players: int, optional :type account_id: int, optional :type steam_account: SteamAccount, optional :type league_id: int, optional :type start_at_match_id: int, optional :type matches_requested: int, optional :type tournament_games_only: int, optional :rtype: MatchHistory """ _parse_steam_account(kwargs) _parse_hero(kwargs) return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_MATCH_HISTORY, wrappers.MatchHistory, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_match_history_by_sequence_num(self, **kwargs): """A list of matches ordered by sequence number. Uses a parser similar to that of :py:meth:`~d2api.APIWrapper.get_match_history` method :param start_at_match_seq_num: The match sequence number to start returning results from :param matches_requested: Defaults to `100` :type start_at_match_seq_num: int :type matches_requested: int, optional :rtype: MatchHistory """ return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_MATCH_HISTORY_BY_SEQ_NUM, wrappers.MatchHistory, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_match_details(self, match_id, **kwargs): """Detailed information about a particular match. :param match_id: Match ID :type match_id: int, string :rtype: MatchDetails """ kwargs['match_id'] = match_id return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_MATCH_DETAILS, wrappers.MatchDetails, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_heroes(self, **kwargs): """A list of heroes in Dota 2. :param language: The `language <>`_ to provide hero names in :param itemizedonly: Return a list of itemized heroes only :type language: string, optional :type itemizedonly: bool, optional :rtype: Heroes """ return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_HEROES, wrappers.Heroes, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_game_items(self, **kwargs): """A list of items in Dota 2. :param language: The `language <>`_ to provide hero names in :type language: string, optional :rtype: GameItems """ return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_GAME_ITEMS, wrappers.GameItems, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_tournament_prize_pool(self, **kwargs): """The current prizepool of specific tournaments. :param leagueid: The ID of the league to get the prize pool of :type leagueid: int :rtype: TournamentPrizePool """ return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_TOURNAMENT_PRIZE_POOL, wrappers.TournamentPrizePool, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_top_live_game(self, partner = 0, **kwargs): """Details of on-going live games. :param partner: Which partner's games to use (default `0`) :type partner: int, optional :rtype: TopLiveGame """ kwargs['partner'] = partner return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_TOP_LIVE_GAME, wrappers.TopLiveGame, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_team_info_by_team_id(self, **kwargs): """A list of teams' information. :param start_at_team_id: The team id to start returning results from :param teams_requested: The amount of teams to return :type start_at_team_id: int, optional :type teams_requested: int, optional :rtype: TeamInfoByTeamID """ return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_TEAM_INFO_BY_TEAM_ID, wrappers.TeamInfoByTeamID, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_live_league_games(self, **kwargs): """A list of in-progress league matches, as well as their details at the time of query. :rtype: LiveLeagueGames""" return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_LIVE_LEAGUE_GAMES, wrappers.LiveLeagueGames, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_broadcaster_info(self, **kwargs): """Get the broadcasting status of a user. :param account_id: 32/64-bit account ID :param steam_account: Used in place of account_id :type account_id: int :type steam_account: SteamAccount :rtype: BroadcasterInfo """ _parse_steam_account(kwargs) kwargs['broadcaster_steam_id'] = kwargs.pop('account_id') return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_BROADCASTER_INFO, wrappers.BroadcasterInfo, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_player_summaries(self, **kwargs): """Get Steam details of users. :param account_ids: 32/64-bit account ID :param steam_accounts: Used in place of account IDs :type account_ids: list(int) :type steam_accounts: list(SteamAccount) :rtype: PlayerSummaries """ _parse_steam_account_list(kwargs) return self._api_call(endpoints.GET_PLAYER_SUMMARIES, wrappers.PlayerSummaries, **kwargs)
[docs]def update_local_data(purge = True): """Synchronize local data with current repository data :param purge: Set to ``True`` to delete local content :type purge: bool """ return entities._update(purge)